General terms and conditions
Ownership of this website, is held by:
Society Name: Diletta Fraizzoli
Society Address: Carrer Nou, 4 - 07740 Es Mercadal, Menorca
CIF: X6775736M
Phone: (+34) 654082203
This documents,a s all its contents, regulates the general conditions ot the website, as well as purchases and services offered by the same.
As per these Conditions it is undestood that the society held by Diletta Fraizzoli (from now on WWW.MENORCAINFINITA.COM) develops an e-commerce from seller to consumer.
The User has to read these general Conditions, as well as the Legal Notes, the Selling Conditions , the cookies and privacy policies.
By using this website and its services, the User accepts the vinculations to these General Conditions, and whenever he feels in disagreement with them, he has to abandon the website.
These General Conditions can be changed, and for this reason we ask to the users to read them before using the website, to be sure which rules and services are in force.
If the user has any question regarding these Conditions, he can contact the owner, through the Contact form or the details above mentioned.
The User
Access, surfing and use of the Website, bestow the condition of User, giving acceptance of these Conditions from the beginning of the use of the web until the ending, incuding their modifications.
The user is responsible for the correcct use of the Website, a responsability extended to:
- Using the web only to consult and buy products, following valid legal conditions
- Not realising any fraudulent purchase. In case of having this suspect, the owner can suspend the purchase and contact with the corresponding authorities
- Give true and legal address, email, postall code, and others (see Legal notes and General Conditions)
- The user has to be more than 18, with legal capacity to sign contracts and aquire services on this website
Purchasing process
Registered users can buy on through the established means and methods. they will have to follow the process, add products to the cart and then click the "pay" sign.
The user will have to fill a form and check every information requested, bearing in mind that every detail can be changed before closing the purchase.
The user will receive an email from confirming the purchase and, being it the case, another one when the purchase will be shipped.
The user recognises being aware, at the moment of the purchase, of the conditions of the product oresented on the website, as for example name, price, components, quantity, color, details. He recognises also the full and complete acceptance of the conditions applicable to every product on the website.
Data Protection
The information and personal data, that the user will give to during the purchase process will be trated as per the Law. By accessing the website, the user agrees on the data treatment, declaring them as true and legal.
The user can ask the apply of his right ARCO (Access, Rectificationm, Deleting a nd Opposition) through our website, sending an email to